Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Year Anniversary

It's really hard to believe that it's already been two years since our wedding!

And, even more so, I wish we were heading to Paris tomorrow! We're not, obviously, but really hoping to go back soon!! Here are some pictures from our honeymoon.

Last year, Kevin and I were busy working on the kitchen at our house around our anniversary, our gifts to each other were our new kitchen appliances ;).  We went to Fearrington House for a delicious dinner and celebrated with an anniversary cake from Sweet Memories and Mumm champagne from our honeymoon. 

Tonight Kevin and I are going to Second Empire in downtown Raleigh for dinner.  I'm really excited because we haven't been before and they always get really good reviews. Plus a lot of their food has a French influence, which will be perfect! 

These last two years have been so amazing and such a whirlwind! It's fun to think about all of the things that we've done and how far we've come. I'm so happy and blessed, we can't wait to see what the future has in store for us! 


  1. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your celebration tonight!

    Love your wedding pictures.

  2. Happy belated anniversary! I hope you two had a wonderful one! :)
