Sunday, July 28, 2013

Media Room Gallery Wall

Long time no see! Things have been super busy around here, I'll post about that soon ;)

I finally got around to working some more on the decor in our media room. I knew that I wanted to incorporate a gallery wall into the design somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where exactly.  Well, I decided to use the dead space above the couch and came up with something pretty cool.

I've been collecting frames and items for the wall for a long time. It takes a lot more stuff than you would think to fill space well.  Plus, I wanted a varied look, with different color frames and shapes.
One of my favorite things in the gallery wall is this frame with old passports in it. These are passports of members of Kevin's family that we found and decided to put on display.  The one on the left is from Britain around 1920 and the others are mid 1900's US passports. This really goes with the world travel theme that I'm trying to pull in. 
I added a small floating shelf to the gallery wall to showcase our sentimental champagne cork collection. I've been debating for a while over what to do with the corks that we save from our anniversaries, and this seemed like the best option (better than stuffed away in a box, for sure!).  You will notice that a lot of the frames don't have real pictures in them yet. I went ahead and put the gallery wall up without finalizing everything. But, my plan is for these to be travel-themed, with maps or landscape pictures of places that are special to us, and pictures from our actual travels.
I got a new lampshade at Target to go on the floor lamp that I have in the corner. This made a big difference, I like the shape and linen texture of the shade. 
Oh, and I'm also currently working on accessorizing a bar cart-like shelf that will hang out in the back of the room. I think this will be both pretty and functional.  I can't wait to get this completed and show you! Here is some of the inspiration for that space:


  1. It looks awesome! I love the gallery wall and all the details. The travel theme is really neat and the passports are a great touch!

  2. I think that is an awesome idea. I love your colours! The gallery wall is a fab addition.

