Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rory - 15 weeks!

I haven't posted in a while, but I figured I'd post about our newest addition to the family, Rory. We got Rory in the beginning of December. He's a goldendoodle and so, so sweet, but a little crazy! Well, he's 15 weeks now and has been growing like a weed ;) Here are some pictures of how much he's grown!
4 weeks
6 weeks
9 weeks - Picking him up from the breeder
9 weeks - Car ride home! 
10 weeks... settling in to life at home
Lounging under the coffee table
Christmas with Toby and Darcy
12 weeks
Sleepy pup!
Hanging out with Darcy
14 weeks - On a walk in the neighborhood


  1. So adorable! I love goldendoodles! We have a Golden and she is absolutely precious, but I love the little faces on goldendoodles :)

  2. Such a cutie! My sister just got a goldendoodle, too!

    How's progress on your media room coming along? I can't wait to see! ;)

  3. Aww, what a cute baby! :) My mom has a maltipoo and we love her. Little Rory looks so sweet!
