Thursday, June 9, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Bobbi over at Shoestring Sophistication nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award last week! She has a wonderful blog with lots of amazing DIY projects and house decorating ideas. Definitely check out her blog!

For these awards, the blogger must:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award &
link back to their site in your original post.
2. Tell us seven things about yourself.
3. Pass along the award to five newly discovered bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

Seven Things about Myself... 
1. I just started the third year of graduate school Duke University. I'm getting my PhD in Biomedical Engineering.

2. I love interior decorating and event planning and I think these would be amazing jobs to have.

3. I really enjoy cooking and baking, but I need to get back into it. Life has been so busy recently that I haven't had as much time to try as many new things.

4. My husband and I met in high school chemistry class. We were even lab partners for a while. We didn't start dating until about a year after that.

5. We have a bichon frise named Darcy who is almost 2 years old. He is the sweetest dog in the world! :)

6. Pinterest is my new favorite place to search for ideas and projects in general.

7. I definitely have a Type A, perfectionist personality. It makes me very ambitious with projects, but it's just who I am. ;)

5 of my favorite and newly discovered bloggers:
According to Ashley

Thanks Bobbi! :)


  1. Thanks you so much for the award!!

  2. thank you for the award! you are too sweet!
