Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Herb Garden

This weekend, I planted an herb garden in the plant boxes around the bay window on our deck. Kevin and I love to cook (which we'll be doing a lot of, once we finish the kitchen and get moved in!) and fresh herbs are a great way to add extra flavor to your dishes. Buying sprigs of herbs at the grocery store every time you need something for a recipe can get expensive too. Plus herbs are pretty to look at and smell so good!

I planted rosemary, thyme, Italian flat-leaf parsley, curly parsley, basil, cilantro, mint, chives, and dill. I also planted some new flowers in the boxes surrounding the herbs.  Then, once they were all planted, I decided that I needed a way to label all of the different herbs, as it can get confusing. That might not work out well when cooking, for example if I wanted parsley but accidentally used cilantro, there would be quite a big difference in flavor!

So, I went to the craft store and picked up these little wooden ovals on sticks. I also got some black enamel spray paint and a white enamel marker. I picked those hoping they would be resistant to water, but almost look like chalk, but we'll see.  Then, I painted and labeled each sign and stuck them in the planters with the corresponding herbs. I think it turned out pretty well.
wooden signs from AC Moore
Black enamel spray paint

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