Friday, January 7, 2011

Back to reality

And we're back... I've been MIA for a few days, as we've been gone on vacation. We're back now and it's back to work and reality now.

Last week, we spent a few days relaxing at my grandparent's beach house at Ocean Isle and then we flew to New York to visit Kevin's family.  I enjoyed getting to play around with my new camera while we were there.  There's never a shortage of sea gulls to photograph, especially if you have a piece of bread to entice them with.  They show up so quickly, even if there are none in sight!  Here are some pictures of our time there.

 I didn't take many pictures while we were in New York, but you can see one of us in the city below.  We had a great time and loved seeing lots of Kevin's family members.  We also ate some wonderful meals!  We're not very big on sightseeing & typical stuff in NYC (we've been many times before) so this time we decided we were mostly interested in eating and visiting cool restaurants, haha.  I'll blog soon about our experiences at two restaurants in the city... they were delish and awesome! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a nice time. Love the pictures.. your dog is too cute!
