Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend Recap!

This weekend was a great one.  Christmas is getting so close, and I'm really feeling the holiday spirit.

On Friday, Kevin and I went to dinner in Durham at Dos Perros for Angela's birthday. It was a lot of fun and nice to try a new restaurant! Here are some of the pictures from Laura's camera:

The girls at dinner

Red and white (aka NCSU) wrapping paper ;)
Kevin and I at dinner

Kevin and I after dinner

On Saturday, it SNOWED! We didn't get that much, but it did stick around until this afternoon.  Our weather has been crazy recently, but oh well. It's really rare that we get snow this early in December...  Darcy really enjoyed running around outside in it at my parent's house with their dog Toby.  Here are some pictures of Darcy in the car on the way:
Darcy looking out the window in the car
Darcy relaxing in the car
Then, on Sunday we had brunch with David and Catie at La Farm... it was fun and delish!   Afterwards, we ran some errands and picked out our Christmas tree! We found the perfect one, brought it home and set it up in our living room.  We decorated it with lights, garland, ribbon and ornaments. It was so fun to do this and listen to Christmas music. Yay, for the holidays! :)
Our Christmas tree!

Our fireplace and tree

self-timer with the tree ;)

After decorating! 

Our first (married) Christmas tree! 
I also made some decorating progress in the guest bedroom. I used to have a boring quilt on the bed, but it was really bothering me, so I dressed it up a little bit with the new bedding I got from Macy's.  Maybe we'll have someone actually stay in our guest bedroom now, lol.  

Guest bedroom/office

New bedding
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! This week is a busy one, but only a few more until Christmas!! 


  1. omg i want to come stay in that guest bedroom! haha :) Thanks for coming out Friday and...YAY for the tree--the house looks so cozy and christmas-y...i cannot wait for the gathering <3

    OH! and darcy's little sweater is ADORABLE!
