Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October, already!?

Sorry for the nearly month long blog hiatus! Things have been super busy recently and I haven't had a chance to blog! I'm hoping to get back to usual posting again very soon, we have some new projects at home that we're working on... I can't wait to share them with you!

So, I figured I would share some random pictures from this past month!

I added an M to our fall wreath on the front door
Using my mom's old sewing machine to make pillows
New pillows for the living room
Playing with Kevin's new UNC corn hole set in our back yard
Toilet fiasco in our upstairs guest bathroom... leaky toilet tank
means we will be redoing this bathroom sooner rather than later 
First NCSU home game of the season!
Super smiley after passing my Preliminary Exam for my PhD
and ordering 2 huge boats of sushi with my coworkers!
Samples of marble tile that we are considering as
backsplash options for the kitchen
Finishing the long process of constructing a pumpkin
cheesecake cake and a red velvet cheesecake cake
Finished cakes for the church auction
Darcy got a haircut, finally! 
So, how was your month? Can you believe it is October!?  I'm glad to be back, I'll post about our upcoming projects really soon!


  1. woo hooo. my husband is about to do his pre-lim and there will be some celebrations when that and his clinical trials are done!

  2. Those cakes look beautiful! I love baking and seeing those pictures made me want to get back in the kitchen, haha.

  3. Congrats on Preliminary Exam for your PhD! I love the fabric you chose for your throw pillows! Very nice. I'm about to start taking sewing lessons soon, so I can tackle projects like that! :) Also, I LOVE your tile selections! I can't wait to hear/see what you decide!

  4. *on passing your Preliminary Exam for your PhD :)
